One of the reasons I wanted to do all this, was to start a collection of nice trains to look at (and a train is only a train if you can actually run it). Having spent a few hours online browsing through ebay, online retailers, hornby and what not, it is obvious that my collection will grow beyond 4 locomotives.
In the current layout, the number of sidings will only accommodate part of this future rolling stock. So we need to add. And what better than to add a Helix. You know, one of those merry-go-rounds that bridges heights. Better yet, lets have two. One of the left of the tv's and one on the right. Have multiple levels going from left to right and back.
So i started drawings on how to construct these things. And I think I found what I would like to do. Will keep me busy for a while.
But I have to. There are so many gorgeous trains to be had.
Here are but a few....
Dapol Class 52 Diesel |
Princess Royal Class |
Stop counting ;-) Just enjoy:-)